Marc Lanning and his family, including his parents moved to Colorado Spring back in 1998 and joined the newly formed parish in 2001. Marc and his father enjoyed working together in the Life Insurance and Estate Planning arena which lasted over 30 years. Marc has many talents, one having experience in the Audio Visual and entertainment business. The sound techs quickly snatched his talents to serve at the weekend Mass located in our temporary worship space which was in the gym at Mountain Ridge middle school. Marc developed friendships within the parish and the Pastor and Deacon asked in 2007 if he had 2 hrs. a month to help the staff in the office. Marc quickly replied “Sure” as he is always willing to help wherever his talents and experience are needed. The parish became his second family and doing odd building projects was always a fun challenge. Marc has served as the Business/Facility Manager for St. Gabriel’s since 2007 and most recently in 2020 committed to full time at the parish. Looking back over the years Marc has watched the parish grow from our humble beginning of church in a box to the thriving community and campus it has become. Marc is looking forward to serving God’s plan for his people in the future.